Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Personal Use Only
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Jiddu Krishnamurti who cannot be simply defined as a Philospher, Guru, or any other category. This soundbite was taken from youtube. I would only use it for personal use. Very moving. Have a listen.

Attribution 3.0
Glock 18 Full Auto
This is the awesome sound of a fully automatic glock 9mm. Great for some intense gunfire for a gun fight.

Attribution 3.0
Machine Gun Fire Distance
Sound of Machine Gun Fire in the Distance. This would be great for a battlefield or war zone sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
9mm Glock 17
The glock 17 9mm pistol being fired 1 time. Great for war or battle scene. Nice big gunshot sound.

Personal Use Only
Channel Surfing
Random channel surfing on a tv set. Random mid day tv station flipping going on. Since this recording has commercial media in it i.e. commercial audio it can not be used for anything else bu personal use.

Personal Use Only
Torpedo Launch
Awesome torpedo launch sound effect great for war or sub audio.

Personal Use Only
Wolf Growling Fiercely
A wolf growling fiercely. Great wolf or wild dog growling sound effect.

Personal Use Only
Quack Quack
Awesome quack quack sound from a mallard duck in a park pond. Nice and clear but has some background noise. This sound is for personal noncommercial use only.

Attribution 3.0
Woop Woop
A woop woop cop car siren. Thats the sound of the police, thats what that is. Whoop Whoop, or woop woop sound effect requested by Jim REwed