Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Sound of a switch being thrown. Good for power sound, light on or off sound, or snap.

Attribution 3.0
Throat Clearing
The sound of me clearing my throat. Im bored or annoyed or something. Trying to get attention.

Attribution 3.0
Sci Fi Robot
sci fi robot or science fiction robot moving. Great for a robot walking or moving his arm or even rotating appendages.

Attribution 3.0
The sound of a mad bull. He seems a bit angry and maybe even pissed.

Attribution 3.0
Nose Blowing
Another blowing nose sound effect of someone sick.

Attribution 3.0
Flesh Tearing
flesh or ligaments tearing sound great for halloween or sports scene.

Attribution 3.0
Sword Strike And Clash
Great metal sword strike sound effect for a war or battle scene. Like a ninja or something.

Attribution 3.0
Baseball Bat Swing
The sound of a baseball bat swinging. A big whiff as the batter misses the ball. Strike out.

Attribution 3.0
Pitch Baseball
The sound of a baseball pitcher throwing a ball. Great wind sound of object moving through air.