Free Sound Effects has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Bottle Rocket
Large bottle rocket sounds like a jet or missile taking off. Fast ffssssttt sound. This recording actually burned the wind shield on the zoom h4
Attribution 3.0
Wild Child
A kid running around and making wild noises. I recorded my son making some crazy noises. It was late and he was tired. I have no idea what hes talking about and im not sure he does either.
Attribution 3.0
Cat Purring
The sound of a cat Cat Purring great feline happy cat effect
Attribution 3.0
Leg Breaking
The sound of a leg or large bone snapping and breaking. Compound fracture.
Attribution 3.0
Transfer Truck Idle And Drive
Pulled up to another transfer truck at a stop light and recorded it idling a little bit. The truck then drove off. great city sounds.
Attribution 3.0
Lawn Mower Fart
A funny sounding fart that sounds like a lawn mower. Beans beans good for your heart.
Attribution 3.0
Huge Crowd 3
Sound of another large crowd at a stadium with thousands of people screaming.
Attribution 3.0
Ole Matador 2
Bullfighter in spain ole sound effect, great for a bullfight or matador.