Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Rain Background
This is a 30 second clip of steady even rain that can easily be repeated in order to make a loop to add rain sound effects to a game or movie.

Attribution 3.0
A male vocal actor was hired to vocalize laughing or laughter for funny sounds. This is top quality audio and totally free original audio for SoundBible be sure to share and spread the word.

Attribution 3.0
A-Z Vocalized
We hired a male vocal actor to say the alphabet letters a to z this the best quality audio you can get. Use this in your apps or whatever. Just give us credit and tell your friends.

Attribution 3.0
0-9 Male Vocalized
We hired a male vocal actor to say the numbers 0 to 9 this the best quality audio you can get. Use this in your apps or whatever. Just give us credit and tell your friends.

Attribution 3.0
Kid Laugh Long
Me tickling my son and making him laugh for about a minute 30 seconds. If this doesnt make you crack a smile something is wrong with you.

Attribution 3.0
Bird In Rain
Bird singing in the rain after a large storm. This is what is sounds like when the birds come back out.

Attribution 3.0
Elaborate Thunder
This clip details a few different thunder strike sounds. One even has that type of thunder that strikes and then you hear it echo back the original clap but only backwards.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Shot
Gun Shot Tuned Loud 2010 525 Kb. Nice crisp loud and clear free gun shot sound effect. Doesnt get much better than this. Thanks Marvin

Attribution 3.0
Strange Alien
Strange alien sound effect was originally a drill sound uploaded by Msl but the quality was not great so we warped it into some alien like sound.