Bet Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Bet free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Tornado Siren II
This is another tornado siren that was recorded and then moded by SoundBible.com its your typical early warning alert system for tornados sounds like air raid siren. The preview above is just 40 seconds but the zip file is 15 minutes long, and the wav file is 5 minutes (50 MB) .Download the mp3 push play turn up the speakers and walk out of the room and see what happens :)

Attribution 3.0
Gun Shot
Gun Shot Tuned Loud 2010 525 Kb. Nice crisp loud and clear free gun shot sound effect. Doesnt get much better than this. Thanks Marvin

Attribution 3.0
Tornado Siren
A tornado alert in stereo or air raid siren going off in a town out west, great for war or storms, or similar situations. Even good for a spooky movie.

Attribution 3.0
9mm Gunshot
New recording tools means better recordings. This is a new 9mm gunshot sound effect recorded up close and personal.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Tibetan Zymbel
Sound of an original Tibetan Zymbel Zimbel Tingsha used for Sound Massage. Wav version is 3 or 4 times longer. MP3 smaller for preview.

Attribution 3.0
Chinese Gong
Chinese Gong being hit and ringing sound. Long and loud gong hit sound from an asian temple.

Public Domain
Sunday Church Ambiance
Sunday Church Ambiance sound effect field recording. This is a great collage of church bells ringing, and small birds chirping ever so lightly. Great sound, and it public domain as well.

Public Domain
Morse Code
Great public domain morse code sound effect for your downloading pleasure! Plus this sound is public domain. I turned this into stereo and optimized it.

Attribution 3.0
decapitation sound effect from a sword,scythe, sickle, or guillotine cutting off a head. This was an anonymous request.

Attribution 3.0
Decapitation Head Blood
Decapitation and head falling off and blood squirting sound effect from a sword,scythe, sickle, or guillotine cutting off a head. This was an anonymous request.

Attribution 3.0
3 plop or cork pop like sounds with 1 second of silence in between each. Sound of something being ejected from a tight spot, like if someone had their head stuck and then it was pulled out.

Attribution 3.0
A-Z Vocalized
We hired a male vocal actor to say the alphabet letters a to z this the best quality audio you can get. Use this in your apps or whatever. Just give us credit and tell your friends.

Attribution 3.0
Flash Animation
An awesome flash animation movement sound effect. Great for flashing between scenes or similar.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Wood Saw
Sound of a nice wood saw cutting some wood in a carpenters workshop. Wood saw sound effect requested by Mark Mckinnon to emulate someone building a manger for baby Jesus. Hope this helps and Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you.

Attribution 3.0
Poker Chips
Poker or Casino chips clicking and clacking as they hit each other. Poker counting chips.

Attribution 3.0
Decapitation Head Fall Off
Decapitation and head falling off sound effect from a sword,scythe, sickle, or guillotine cutting off a head. This was an anonymous request.

Attribution 3.0
Bells Tibetan Large
Large Tibetan Bells ringing in a temple. Could also use for Monastery or Monks.

Attribution 3.0
Electric Saw
electrical saw for cutting wood and other material. This sound is about as good ad it gets for saw sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Table Saw Buzz
Sound of a table saw in my fathers garage. This sound is about as good ad it gets for electric saw sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Radio Check
Radio check on apron of airfield. RADIO COMMUNICATION between plane and tower.

Personal Use Only
Horse Race
Horse race announcer play by play great gambling and betting sounds

Attribution 3.0
Son saying his abcs to G and then stopping. He can say them all but he stopped.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Cards Shuffling
The sound of cards being shuffled requested by Jed.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Shuffling Cards
Shuffling cards a great gaming sound for a casino or card game. Sound requested by Jed.

Attribution 3.0
Me Burping A Decent Burp
Me belching or burping into my zoom h4 handy recorder. I can do better

Attribution 3.0
Large Metal Clippers 1x
The sound of large metal clippers or shears snipping 1x. Great for a quick cutting sound.

Attribution 3.0
Large Metal Clippers 3x
The sound of large metal clippers or shears snipping 3x. Great for a quick cutting sound.