Aye Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Aye free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
News Intro
News show intro or newsroom intro music played before broadcast begins.

Personal Use Only
Pushing In Old Cassette
The sound a cassette player makes when you insert a cassette into it

Public Domain
Toilet Flushing
A toilet flushing - very gross. i recorded this with my mp3 player... Good thing I didnt drop it in the toilet.

Public Domain
Sunday Church Ambiance
Sunday Church Ambiance sound effect field recording. This is a great collage of church bells ringing, and small birds chirping ever so lightly. Great sound, and it public domain as well.

Attribution 3.0
Dixie Horn
The classic Dixie Horn being played from a bus, car, or truck. Also known as the Dukes of Hazzard Horn. Its actually 5 different trumpets rigged to play in a pattern.

Attribution 3.0
Modern Battlefield
A blend of war sounds layered to create a realistic sound effect like that found on a modern day battlefield or even one from World War 2

Attribution 3.0
Crazy Bizarre Guitar
Crazy and Bizarre Guitar effects played and reworked.

Attribution 3.0
Smoke Alarm
I recorded a smoke alarm at the house we have serveral this is just from a generic smoke alarm used in a house. Could be used for fire settings as well. Sound wass requested by Kaye Barrett. Thanks Kaye

Public Domain
Record Static
Sound of pure record static from a record at the end of a song and repeating.

Attribution 3.0
45min April Rainstorm
45 minutes of a relaxing spring rainstorm recorded April 1st 2016. This sort of audio is great to relax to or sleep to on a loop. The wav file is 400mb and the 45 minute mp3 would not render in the player so its been chopped down to 3 minutes. If you want the full 45 minutes download the wave. If you want to listen to the entire 45min on YouTube click here.

Attribution 3.0
Kids Laughing
The sound of kids laughing. If you want more kids you can download audacity from the right side of the page and layer the sound 2, 3, or 4 times. This sound was requested by tami.

Attribution 3.0
Record Player Static
Nice and clean record player static sound fx that can be used for whatever you want to use it for. Very staticy record player sound.

Attribution 3.0
Crowd Boo And Heckles
Thousands of people screaming with some people booing, and heckling the players.

Public Domain
Old Door Creaking
Sound of an old door creaking open. you can hear the stress and rust on the hitch as it swings open. Great for a haunted house or halloween sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Thunderstorm Thin
Its a storm with two thunderbolts striking. The low or bass end is very thin so this sound should only be used on something that would be played back on pc or laptop speakers. Thanks to Tim for the sound!

Public Domain
Tape Deck
Super retro tape deck sound effect from a cassette player in a car. It has the click and reel sound effect, like you just popped a tape in and its starting.

Public Domain
Large Metal Rusty Door
Sound of a large metal rusty door bein opened. Great for a haunted house or halloween sound effect. Really rusty hinges.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Teeth Chatter
Teeth chattering or teeth chatter sound effect. Great for someone who is cold, freezing, or similar. Sound requested by Ben Carlsile.

Attribution 3.0
Slot Machine
Slot machine being played at a Casino or other gambling facility.

Attribution 3.0
Old Record Player
Sound of a very old record player, not just your standard record player from the 70s and 80s.

Attribution 3.0
Hickory Dickory Dock
A kids record player plays Hickory Dickory Dock record in a grainy plinky tone.

Attribution 3.0
Hockey Stick Slap 2
Hockey Stick Sound Effect. This sound is of a hockey player hitting the puck with his stick.

Attribution 3.0
Hockey Puck Slap
Hockey Sound Effects file. This sound is of a hockey player hitting the puck with his stick.