Bout Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Bout free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Fire Burning
Fire burning and crackling and burning some more for a total of about 16 seconds. Great sound effect for a fire.

Attribution 3.0
Bunker Buster Missile
The synthesized sound of a bunker buster missle incoming and blowing up the compound that you are in with debris like stones and bricks caving in around you. Enjoy this sound took about an hour to get right.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of someone crying. This person is morning or sad about something. Poor poor person.

Attribution 3.0
Dogs Barking
Dogs barking in a very annoying fashion. About 4 or 5 dogs in total.

Public Domain
Car Driving
Perfect car driving sound effect. Nice car ambiance from inside the cabin of a mid size car.

Attribution 3.0
Kid Laugh Long
Me tickling my son and making him laugh for about a minute 30 seconds. If this doesnt make you crack a smile something is wrong with you.

Attribution 3.0
Dinosaur Roar
Sound of a large meat eating dinosaur roaring very loud and clear. About a second long.

Attribution 3.0
Tree Fall Small
Small tree falling in woods and leaves and branches moving about

Public Domain
Police Scanner Chatter
Male police officer speaks about a handgun and retaliation to witness information.

Attribution 3.0
Party Crowd
Large crowd at a party or other gathering talking about all sorts of things.

Attribution 3.0
Goofy Laugh
a spontaneous goofy laugh in response to my sons question about what im eating.

Noncommercial 3.0
Parrot Talking
Parrot talking and squawking for about 25 seconds. lora casera cuello amarillo hablando

Attribution 3.0
M16 Assault Rifle
Multiple burst of fire from an m16 assault. About 10 seconds. Great for a war or combat scene. Sound can be described as M16 rifle fire.

Attribution 3.0
Time Warp
This time warp sound was requested by Paul Kim. We modified an already existing time sound.

Attribution 3.0
Some sad human is crying and very unhappy about something.

Attribution 3.0
Sigh sound from someone complaining about something. Great human sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Church Bell Chime
Church bells ring for about 1 minute. Great for wedding, or funeral, or church type video.

Attribution 3.0
Checkout Scanner Beep
The sound of checkout scanner beeping one time. Grocery scanning sound requested by blissa!

Attribution 3.0
Car Door Close Outside
The sound of a car, van, or truck door closing from outside of the vehicle.

Attribution 3.0
Great click sound effect. Nice crisp and clear. Good snap, pop, or clack effect.

Attribution 3.0
Car Spinning Out
1 more great Car Spinning Out of control sound effect. Recorded this in an abandoned parking lot late at night.

Public Domain
Medium Pack Of Wolves Howling
A medium size pack of wolves about 6 or 7 howling and moaning at the moon at dusk. You can also hear the crickets and a few birds

Public Domain
Baby Talk 30 Sec
Very cute baby babbling or baby talk sound clip lasts about 30 seconds and the baby says all sorts of cute things.

Attribution 3.0
Baseball Bat Swing
The sound of a baseball bat swinging. A big whiff as the batter misses the ball. Strike out.

Attribution 3.0
Perfect reverse or rewind sound effect. A backwards sound effect for you.

Attribution 3.0
Random Son Talk
My son talking about a bunch of random stuff. He goes from telling me he pooped, telling me he farted, and mid sentence starts asking me what im eating. Hes as scatterbrained as i am for sure. Really cute.

Attribution 3.0
Car Loosing Control
A car spining out of control or loosing control sound. Great for an auto scene or car game.

Attribution 3.0
Grocery Scanning
The sound of checkout scanner beeping many times as someone checks out after shopping. Grocery scanning sound requested by blissa!

Attribution 3.0
Newspaper Ticker
Sound of a newspaper ticker. Used when a spinning newspaper is shown. Was requested by Alissa Sallee. Thanks Alissa