Fight Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Fight free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Sweep Kick
Sweep Kick sound effect for fight or game sound effects. This cool sound was requested by idrus.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Sharp Punch
Sharp punch almost slap sound effect. Could also be a whip crack, or a pencil breaking.

Attribution 3.0
RPG Plus Shrapnel
Sound of an RPG being fired and the explosion and shrapnel that follow. From our War Sound fx pack due out soon.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Many Punches
Great series of 9 punches in a row. Choose the sound you want and then use a tool like audacity to cut it out and save it as a wav or mp3.

Public Domain
A very heavy slap to the face. Great for a backhand or even fight sound effect. Could also be used to emulate something snapping or breaking.

Attribution 3.0
Realistic Punch
Realistic Punch or punching sound effect. Sound by Mark DiAngelo. It took me a while to edit it and get it right. Hope you guys enjoy.

Attribution 3.0
Fire Truck Siren
A fire truck siren sound effect with bells and horns. Fire truck leaving fire station for an emergency.

Attribution 3.0
9mm Gunshot
New recording tools means better recordings. This is a new 9mm gunshot sound effect recorded up close and personal.

Attribution 3.0
Strong Punch
Nice strong punch or punching sound effect. Nice for kung fu boxing or other fight scene or game.

Noncommercial 3.0
Fighter Plane Squadron
Sound of a squadron of world war 2 fighter planes flying by low. From our upcoming War Sounds pack.

Attribution 3.0
Great jab boxing and fighting sound effect. High pitch fast jab punch sound

Attribution 3.0
Loud Bang
Its a loud bang. Be sure to turn the volume up all the way to scare people P

Public Domain
Growling Snarling Dogs
Two dogs working themselves up for a confrontation. Very long low growls that eventually turn into a bark. Thanks to Lisa Redfern for some great sound effects.

Attribution 3.0
40 Smith Wesson 8x
8 gunshots.40 smith and wesson being fired out of a subcompact glock 27

Attribution 3.0
12 Ga Winchester Shotgun
This is an awsome and exelent quality action pump shot fire of an winchester12 shotgun

Attribution 3.0
Boxing Arena Sound
Presentation sound for myspace vs facebook

Public Domain
Neck Snap
A short neck or bone snap sound made with a water bottle and WavePad

Attribution 3.0
Mossberg 500 Pump Shotgun
Great mossberg 500 or 590 pump shotgun fire and pump sound effect. Great for movie or video game.

Attribution 3.0
380 Gunshot
Newly recorded 380 gunshot being fired from a ruger lcp. Great gunshot sound effect

Attribution 3.0
Upper Cut
Upper cut punch for a boxing or mma sound effect. Great Mike Tyson punch out type sound! Boom!

Attribution 3.0
Sounds Of War V 10
A couple of clips i put together to simulate a war-like exchange of fire. this is an epic battle sound effect. sounds like you are right in the middle. thanks Odd Fox!

Personal Use Only
Boxing Bell Start Round
boxing mma or wrestling bell begin or starting round sound ding once

Attribution 3.0
40 Smith Wesson
.40 smith and wesson being fired out of a subcompact glock 27

Sampling Plus 1.0
Sound of someone in pain. Great for a fight or death scene in a movie.

Attribution 3.0
Water Drop
Perfectly clear water drop sound effect. Great for a leaky sink, a bathtub, shower, sprinkler or any number of liquid dripping sound effects. If you like this one be sure to search for water drop using the search menu it will show you the other 2 sound effects just like this.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Colt 45
A dozen or so colt 45 pistol shots being fired with different results. 1 plinks a metal object, a few slightly ricochet, and others just fire off into the distance. Choose one and cut the sample out using your favorite sound editor.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Batman Punch
Great batman and robin punch sound effect. Not the wham, but a great hit impact sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Sonic Boom
Sonic Boom Sound Effect of an fighter jet breaking this sound barrier. this Actually a real sonic boom, not a fake. Thanks to sandeep singh for the request.