Juice Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Juice free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Explosion Ultra Bass
An explosion with a little bass to give more juice to your visual experience. Awesome sound, around 14 seconds long.

Attribution 3.0
Electricity sound effect. This sound is shocking, literally. lol. Great for an electric chair or zapping sound.

Attribution 3.0
Butchers knife stabbing someone from behind sound. A great stab sound really. Great for Halloween, haunted houses, and even Christmas! OK.. skip Christmas with this one.

Attribution 3.0
Bone Crushing
A bone crushing sound effect. Great for a fight, battle, surgery, a hospital or just because.

Attribution 3.0
Electric Razor
I recorded a sound which sounds a lot like an electric razor. I added bass to give it some juice. Thanks to Mark DiAngelo for this one.

Attribution 3.0
Blood Squirts
Blood squirting sound effect. Another great gory sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Cracking Chest Open
Sound of a doctor or a madman (both one and the same really) cracking a persons chest cavity open. Great for a movie or haunted house

Attribution 3.0
Tearing Into Flesh
The sound of a monster or maniac tearing into flesh. Great for Halloween, haunted houses, or spooky movies!

Attribution 3.0
Blood Squirting
A great decapitation sound effect for gory movie scene or video game! Great for halloween too!

Attribution 3.0
Blood Splattering On Wall
A great blood splattering on wall sound effect for gory movie scene or video game! Great for Halloween too!

Attribution 3.0
Blood Squirt
A great squirting sound effect for gory movie scene or video game! Great for Halloween too!

Attribution 3.0
Stab And Tear Flesh
The sound of someone stabbing and then tearing flesh from the bone. Great for Halloween or haunted house.

Attribution 3.0
Rip Arm Off
The sound of someone having their arm ripped off. Dismemberment and what not. Gross huh.

Attribution 3.0
Halogen Light
The hum or buzz of a halogen light in a garage. Its turned up loud so you can hear it.

Attribution 3.0
Ripping Head Off
We paid this guy at our school $30 so that we could rip off his head and record the sound. After we ripped it off we asked him if he still wanted the money, he didnt say anything. So technically this recording didnt cost us anything so we had to give it away for free. Great for halloween or spooky movie.

Attribution 3.0
Blood Splatters
A great blood splattering on wall sound effect for gory movie scene or video game! Great for halloween too!

Attribution 3.0
Great hospital surgery sound effects. Brain, or open heart surgery. Just download and have at it.

Attribution 3.0
Flesh And Bone Tearing
The sound of flesh and bone tearing. We dug up a freshly buried body for this one. (not really dont go an call the cops) ripped the body into pieces.

Attribution 3.0
Hiccuping sound effect. Some drunk hiccup at a bar or just walking the street.

Attribution 3.0
Rip Jaw Off
The sound of someone getting their jaw ripped off by a murderer. Great for a killing scene or haunted house!

Attribution 3.0
Gutting Someone
The sound of someone or something being gutted. Hara-kiri sound effect of someone being disemboweled.

Attribution 3.0
Peeling Face Off
Peeling someones face off. Ever wanted to know what it sound like to rip some guys face off? No... ok me neither.. but if you did this is what it would sound like. Great for Halloween!

Attribution 3.0
Hiccuping sound effect again #2. Some drunk hiccup at a bar or just walking the street.

Attribution 3.0
Eyeball Burst
The sound of someones eye bursting. You know that when mom said to stop playing with that before you poke your eye out. My brother is a knucklehead and he never listens. I just happen to be recording. 1 eye and 1 wav file later here it is. Thanks little bro.