Weak Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Weak free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Public Domain
AM Radio Tuning
Sony Battery-powered AM Radio Weak Signal Switches and Tuning. Changing stations on a manual radio.

Attribution 3.0
Trying to record other things but the crickets wont stop chirping so i tweaked the file and now we have some cricket sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Really cool bubbles or bubbling sound effect. Great for nature, fish tank, underwater, or scuba diving sounds. This sound was originally from the public domain but i tweaked it lengthened it, and converted it into stereo sound.

Attribution 3.0
Really cool bubbles or bubbling sound effect. Great for nature, fish tank, underwater, or scuba diving sounds. This sound was originally from the public domain but i tweaked it lengthened it, and converted it into stereo sound.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Baby Chicks
Sound of baby chicks calling to their mother. This sound was recorded by Tony Phillips, but we tweaked it and made is sound like some baby chicks and not osprey.

Attribution 3.0
Running Water
Sound of running water down pipes, tubes, rocks, or out of a pump. Sound like someone is filling a bathtub full of water.

Attribution 3.0
Lion or lion sounds requested by Ivelisse, thanks for the request. Took a cat meow reversed it slowed it down tweaked it a bit, and now hopefully it sounds like a lion roaring.

Attribution 3.0
River Noise
Noise of a river or brook. Great water sound effect recorded by Caroline Ford

Sampling Plus 1.0
Rock Slide
Sound of a fast rock slide or a mine caving in. Great violent fast falling movements by rocks requested by Yair Mossel

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
A Pterodactyl or Prehistoric Dinosaur sound effect. Sound made by tweaking hawk calls from Tony Phillips.

Attribution 3.0
Water Fountain Noise
Noise made from a water fountain. Great water or trickle sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Stream Noise
Noise of a river or brook. Great water sound effect recorded by Caroline Ford

Attribution 3.0
Water Noise
Noise made from a water fountain. Great water or trickle sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Noise of a river or brook. Great water sound effect recorded by Caroline Ford

Sampling Plus 1.0
Cave In Sound
Sound of a fast processed cave in. A little digital magic. Great violent fast falling movements by rocks requested by Yair Mossel

Attribution 3.0
Woman Blowing Nose
The sound of a woman blowing her nose. She sounds sickly.

Attribution 3.0
Kitchen Sink
Kitchen sink sound of water running down a drain and moving around a sink or tap.

Attribution 3.0
Nose Blowing
Another blowing nose sound effect of someone sick.

Attribution 3.0
Another sick human patient blowing his nose. Great hostpical or doctor sounds

Attribution 3.0
Blowing Nose
Great blowing nose sound effect. Great for calling in sick to work. :)