Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
M1 Garand Single
M1 Garand Single Shot gunfire sound effect. M1 Garrand is a 30 caliber rifle, and often called Greatest Battle Implement Ever Devised. It was the first semi-automatic rifle used by the military. Sound effect requested by William Andrews. Thanks William.

Public Domain
Hiking A Trail
Sound of a person hiking a trail in the woods or at a state or national park or reserve.

Public Domain
Ice Cubes In Cup
Sounds of someone putting ice cubes in a cup was a request HuiShurn Yong. These are public domains sounds so enjoy.

Public Domain
Parots Talking
Parrots talking in a local pet shop. Talking or squawking sound effect is public domain audio.

Public Domain
Real nice fireplace sounds from a fire burning. Very small crackles and sizzle burn sound effects along with air movement.

Attribution 3.0
Air Horn
Air Horn very loud and clear. Great annoying and loud sound effect.

Public Domain
Sewing Machine 2
Sound of an electric sewing machine running and sewing clothes or some other material together

Attribution 3.0
Computer Error Alert
Clean computer error beep sound effect. Great to replace windows operating system default sound files.

Public Domain
Scary Chainsaw
gas powered chainsaw, cutting down tree in neighborhood. chainsaw next door.