Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Public Domain
Baby Talk 2
Very cute baby babbling or baby talk sound clip. Baby says 4 sounds.

Public Domain
Stapling Paper
Stapler clicking and stapling sound effect. Office or business sound effect.

Public Domain
Stapler clicking and stapling sound effect. Office or business sound effect.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Tropical Cyclone
Tropical cyclone or hurricane sound effect. Great for a super storm scene. This is 2 of 2 we are uploading..

Sampling Plus 1.0
Hurricane winds, and sounds. Great for a super storm scene. This is 1 of 2 we are uploading..

Sampling Plus 1.0
Straw Slurp
Straw slurping or sipping sound effect. Drinking from a straw sound.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a ninja swinging a samurai sword and cutting a limb or head off. Sound requested by Ben Carter.

Attribution 3.0
Temple Bell
Great sound of a temple bell. This is the smallest of 3 recorded. This sound was requested by dj sachin.

Attribution 3.0
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide sound effect requested by cristi. Could be Nitrus Oxide from a car or similar.