Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Best Cardinal Bird Lazy
The sound of a cardinal bird call a little more lazy than the others.

Attribution 3.0
Temple Bell Bigger
Great sound of a temple bell. This is the largest of 3 recorded. This sound was requested by dj sachin.

Attribution 3.0
Camera Flash
Great camera flash sound effect from the people at SoundBible.com this sound is great for a photo scene.

Personal Use Only
Depth Charge
Large depth charge. WWII explosions. Cannons, guns, depth charges. Bombs requested by Robert

Sampling Plus 1.0
Parakeet Talking
Parakeets talking sound effects. 2 parakeets chatting it up in someones house or a forest. Sound was requested by anonymous submitter.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Parakeet sound effects. 2 parakeets chatting it up in someones house or a forest. Sound was requested by anonymous submitter.

Personal Use Only
Depth Charge Short
Large depth charge short. WWII explosions. Cannons, guns, depth charges. Bombs requested by Robert

Personal Use Only
Depth Charge Shorter
Large depth charge short. WWII explosions. Cannons, guns, depth charges. Bombs requested by Robert

Attribution 3.0
Grenade Explosion
Awesome grenade explosion sound effect. Great big boom sound. Great for war or similar.