Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Sampling Plus 1.0
Slurping 2
Great slurp or slurping sound effect by some guy or girl.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Buzzer sound effect like the one you might hear at the end of a basketball game.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Sound of giggles requested by anonymous submission. We dont usually respond to anonymous submissions but this was a good idea.

Attribution 3.0
Dogs Barking
Dogs barking in a very annoying fashion. About 4 or 5 dogs in total.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Rocket and rocket space ship blast off sound effect. This sound was requested by Donna Dayvis.

Attribution 3.0
Pterodactyl Scream
Sound of a pterodactyl scream screech. Great dinosaur or raptor sound effect for a scary movie or similar.

Attribution 3.0
Japanese Temple Bell Small
Japanese Temple Bell Small great for Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or other Asian sound effects.. even for Kung Fu

Sampling Plus 1.0
Basketball Buzzer
Buzzer sound effect like the one you might hear at the end of a basketball game.

Attribution 3.0
Fire Trucks Sirens 2
Another great fire truck siren sound effect. Very loud siren sound effect. Fire truck leaving fire station for an emergency.