Medic Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Medic free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Hearbeat 2
Another great hearbeat sound that can be used for movies or games or whatever else u may want to use it for. This hearbeat is pitched a bit higher so you can hear it on standard pc speakers.

Public Domain
Alien Siren
A siren with some effects added. Great for an alien world or escape sequence.

Attribution 3.0
ECG or Electrocardiography sounds and effect requeste by sumith

Attribution 3.0
Dry Cough
Dry cough sound effect. This one is probably a males cough. I was sick. Great for sickness, plague, pneumonia, or any other similar sound effect need.

Attribution 3.0
Simple drill in a workshop. It was a craftsman drill i recorded. Great for whatever.

Attribution 3.0
Dentist Drill
Dentist Drill sound effect. This horrid sound has been used in many a horror movie, or just a dentist scene.

Attribution 3.0
Pill Bottle
Getting pills out of a bottle like the sound someone makes when they are getting out an Advil or something. Could be used for a game or movie or whatever.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Hare Crishna Street Chanting
Hare Crishna Street Chanting in city giving a very tribal ambiance. Nice for ritual video or similar.

Attribution 3.0
Woman Blowing Nose
The sound of a woman blowing her nose. She sounds sickly.

Attribution 3.0
Alien Brain Scanner
Alien brain scanner machine future machine

Attribution 3.0
Nose Blowing
Another blowing nose sound effect of someone sick.

Attribution 3.0
Another sick human patient blowing his nose. Great hostpical or doctor sounds

Public Domain
Fast Sawing
Person using a small saw and sawing something fast. Rapid saw or cutting sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Blowing Nose
Great blowing nose sound effect. Great for calling in sick to work. :)

Public Domain
Cutting Tree Limb
Sound of someone sawing or cutting a medium size tree limb off a tree. This sound like other sounds can also be used for other sound effects like a surgical or bone saw.

Attribution 3.0
Baby Snoring
A little baby snoring loudly. Even babies snore sometimes. If you are looking for medical advice look elsewhere this is a sound website :)

Public Domain
Small Bow Saw
small bow saw sound effect. Person cutting small piece of wood or bone with a small bow saw.

Attribution 3.0
Me Burping A Decent Burp
Me belching or burping into my zoom h4 handy recorder. I can do better

Public Domain
Recording of a hacksaw sound effect. Hacksaw cutting through wood, metal, or even bone sound.

Attribution 3.0
Medicine Bottle Shaking
Me shaking a bottle of Tylenol in our medicine cabinet. Could almost be trimmed and used as a shaker of some sort.