Nag Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Nag free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Temple Bell
Great sound of a temple bell. This is the smallest of 3 recorded. This sound was requested by dj sachin.

Attribution 3.0
Fire Truck Siren
A fire truck siren sound effect with bells and horns. Fire truck leaving fire station for an emergency.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Psycho Scream
A super psycho scream that is blood curdling to say the least.

Public Domain
Coin Drop
Various coins dropped on a table. Sounds like coins dropping into a machine. Thanks to Willem Hunt for the donation.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Sound of someone in pain. Great for a fight or death scene in a movie.

Attribution 3.0
Nice generic bleep or beep #2 extracted from smoke alarm sound effect and then modded a little.

Attribution 3.0
Nice generic beep extracted from smoke alarm sound effect and then modded a little.

Public Domain
Sunday Church Ambiance
Sunday Church Ambiance sound effect field recording. This is a great collage of church bells ringing, and small birds chirping ever so lightly. Great sound, and it public domain as well.

Attribution 3.0
Mummy Zombie
A super monster. A breed of mummy zombie werewolf. OK. maybe not but its a cool evil monster sound.

Attribution 3.0
Chimpanzee or monkey making crazy monkey sounds while hopping around its cage. Great for zoo or laboratory sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Japanese Temple Bell Small
Japanese Temple Bell Small great for Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or other Asian sound effects.. even for Kung Fu

Attribution 3.0
Smoke Alarm
I recorded a smoke alarm at the house we have serveral this is just from a generic smoke alarm used in a house. Could be used for fire settings as well. Sound wass requested by Kaye Barrett. Thanks Kaye

Attribution 3.0
Horse Neigh
Horse neighing western sound effect. Great for any of your equestrian sound effect requests.

Attribution 3.0
Monster Laugh
The sound of a monster laughing. Great for a zombie, halloween, or even mummy sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Fire Trucks Sirens 2
Another great fire truck siren sound effect. Very loud siren sound effect. Fire truck leaving fire station for an emergency.

Attribution 3.0
Zen Buddhist Temple Bell
Another nice zen buddhist temple bell from the mountains. Very good sound.

Attribution 3.0
Zombie Brain Eater
Just in case youve not had enough zombie brain eating sound effects here are some more! MMMMMmmmm Brains!!

Sampling Plus 1.0
A live grenade tossed and explodes. Great for those battle or fight scenes.

Attribution 3.0
Child Scream
Child Screaming sound effect. The sound of a kid screaming. It is actually my daughter. She sometimes does audio for me.

Attribution 3.0
Temple Bell Bigger
Great sound of a temple bell. This is the largest of 3 recorded. This sound was requested by dj sachin.

Attribution 3.0
Computer Error
Cool computer error sound effect that you can use to replace you operating system error sound or to note an error.

Attribution 3.0
Temple Bell Huge
Great sound of a huge temple bell. This is the largest of 3 recorded. This sound was requested by dj sachin.

Attribution 3.0
Halloween Monster
Awesome Halloween Monster sound effect. Scare the kids that come trick or treating, great for haunted houses, and more.

Attribution 3.0
Galloping Horse
Awesome galloping horse sound effect great for cowboy or western scene. Could also be a medieval steed carrying a night into battle.

Attribution 3.0
Zen Temple Bell
Nice zen buddhist temple bell from the mountains. Very good sound.

Personal Use Only
Zebra Call
Awesome little zebra call that was remastered and converted into stereo. Sound requested by Oran.

Attribution 3.0
Phone Off Hook
Phone off hook, or phone dead sound. Great for murder scene, or spooky movie scene, or anything similar where things have run amuck.

Attribution 3.0
Peacock Bird
Sound of a peacock recorded by Caroline Ford. Great wild, nature, or zoo sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Sound of a peacock recorded by Caroline Ford. Great wild, nature, or zoo sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
CD Skipping
That annoying sound that a cd makes when it skips. Great for skips, glitches, glitching, errors, and similar mishaps.