Ocean Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Ocean free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Crisp Ocean Waves
Nice crisp and clean ocean wave sound effect normalized and eqd for a great 1 minute sound clip.

Attribution 3.0
Old Sub Sonar
Old sub sonar in stereo. Great uboat, or wwii submarine sound effect. Sound effect recorded from pd wwii film, then mastered and put into stereo. Thanks to Mark Pancino for the request.

Attribution 3.0
Ocean Waves
Here at the outer banks and recorded some ocean waves again. Have a bunch more that ill upload.

Attribution 3.0
Sea Waves
Sound of sea waves from the beaches edge. Recorded at the outer banks of North Carolina near Corolla. This was an anonymous request.

Attribution 3.0
Ship Bell
Ships bell ringing one time with slight resonance as the sound rolls accross the water and through the fog.

Attribution 3.0
Flock Seagulls
Field recording of a flock of seagulls also known as gulls, laughing gulls, or common gulls. Recording goes on for over 1 minute!

Attribution 3.0
Beach Waves
Great high resolution sounds of beach waves recorded from our trip to the beach

Personal Use Only
Wave Crashing At Beach
A decent size wave crashing down at beach edge low tide

Attribution 3.0
Underwater Pool
Sound effect from someone submerged in a pool pond lake ocean or any other body of water for that matter.

Attribution 3.0
Ship Brass Bell
Ships brass bell 8 rings or 4 depending on how you count with slight resonance as the sound rolls accross the water and through the fog.

Public Domain
Sound of a Comet flying through the sky. Great astral space or science fiction sound effect. Could even be used for a rocket or missile.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Rowing A Boat
A great row boat sound effect. Thanks to Nina west for requesting the sound of a small rowing boat on a calm lake.

Attribution 3.0
Beach Soundscape 3
A great Beach Soundscape recorded live at the outer banks of North Carolina. Waves crash, and you can even hear kids playing at certain parts.

Attribution 3.0
Sonar Ping
4 Long sonar pings in stereo. Great uboat, or wwii submarine sound effect. Sound effect recorded from pd wwii film, then mastered and put into stereo. Thanks to Mark Pancino for the request.

Personal Use Only
Seashore And Seagulls
Seashore sounds like ocean waves turf and seagulls

Attribution 3.0
Alligator Crocodile Growl
Alligator Crocodile or Dragon Low Growl. Very bass vibrato and a bit scary. Great animal nature sound.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Red Tailed Hawk
Red Tailed Hawk Call awesome field recording. Sound from Tony Phillips. Buteo jamaicensis.

Attribution 3.0
The waterphone is responsible for most of those spooky sounds you hear during a suspenseful horror movie scene. Classic horror or Halloween audio at its best. Also called ocean harp, or AquaSonic waterphone.

Public Domain
Shorebirds Talking On Beach
A handful of shorebirds eat bread from tourist and chatter at the beach

Sampling Plus 1.0
The sound of dolphins talking to each other under water. Great marine sound effects. Requested by Anne Obrien

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Amazing wetlands nature sound clip. This field recording contains a Swan take off, a Herring Gull, and Western Sandpiper recorded Long Island, April 2004 by Tony Phillips.

Personal Use Only
Orca Whales Talking
Orca Whales talking or whale calls recorded at sea with hydrophone

Public Domain
A great underwater sound effect. It is actually the sound of a Gulf ToadFish a rare fish that resembles a toad. Either way this sample is a great example of underwater acoustics.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Osprey Call
Awesome Osprey or Sea Hawk Pandion Haliaetus Call field recording sound from our pal Tony Phillips.

Attribution 3.0
Long sonar ping in stereo. Great uboat, or wwii submarine sound effect. Sound effect recorded from pd wwii film, then mastered and put into stereo. Thanks to Mark Pancino for the request.

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Red Shouldered Hawk
Red Shouldered Hawk Call awesome field recording. Sound from Tony Phillips.

Attribution 3.0
Bald Eagle
Bald eagle sound originally from the public domain but I reworked it and improved upon the audio quality. Slight hiss in background.