With Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with With free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Bomb Exploding
Bomb exploding sound made using a simple breath test with enhanced sound. Thanks to Sound Explorer for another great sound.

Attribution 3.0
Explosion Ultra Bass
An explosion with a little bass to give more juice to your visual experience. Awesome sound, around 14 seconds long.

Attribution 3.0
Gun Fire
A single gunshot sound effect with a bit of the gun sound reverberating through the surroundings.

Attribution 3.0
Ta Da
A ta da sound effect was requested Ruth Leacock. The sound you hear when you do something good or win something. Hey mom look at me Ta Da! Like that.

Attribution 3.0
Atomic Bomb
Another breath test with enhanced bass support. Sounds like an atomic bomb to me. Big thanks to Sound Explorer for another great sound.

Public Domain
Scary Demon Haunting
Multiple sfx blended together with a creepy demonic voice over for a Good Scare. Big thanks to Adam Webb from SoundBible.com for the sound donation, this audio is awesome!

Attribution 3.0
Phone Ringing 8x
A telephone ringing 8 times from the perspective of the caller or person who just dialed the number

Personal Use Only
Army Strong Theme Song
The Army Strong Theme song was requested by Josh Bensinger. Normally we would tag governmental stuff as Public Domain but with this we are not sure. The military has a marketing department and this may be copy-written.

Public Domain
Rainforest Ambience
Rainforest ambience with birds and crickets sound

Attribution 3.0
Bunker Buster Missile
The synthesized sound of a bunker buster missle incoming and blowing up the compound that you are in with debris like stones and bricks caving in around you. Enjoy this sound took about an hour to get right.

Public Domain
Traffic Jam 1
A traffic jam with horns honking and cars driving. This is part one of 4, the sound had to be chopped up smaller in order for the page to load and render quickly.

Attribution 3.0
Eerie Horror Scene
A very dark and eerie horror scene sound that starts off with a orchestral stab. Cool for haunted house or a scary movie or game.

Attribution 3.0
Rain Inside House
Created by Mark DiAngelo. I recorded this one a while ago. It is rain without backround noise.

Attr-Noncommercial 3.0
Glass Ping
Recorded using Zoom H4n by hitting a large wine glass with a butter knife. Processed in Reaper.

Attribution 3.0
Ambulance siren passing by sound. I just happened to have my sound recorder within reach. The ambulance was going around 40mph and passed within feet of our vehicle. Top class sound.

Public Domain
Traffic Jam 3
A traffic jam with horns honking and cars driving. This is part 3 of 4, the sound had to be chopped up smaller in order for the page to load and render quickly.

Attribution 3.0
Metal Clang
Nice free metal impact sound effect. Great for a cartoon impact sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Fire Truck Siren
A fire truck siren sound effect with bells and horns. Fire truck leaving fire station for an emergency.

Attribution 3.0
Radio Active
Toxic radio active sound effect with geiger counter clicks. Nice radio active sound effect requested by Rico.

Attribution 3.0
Rain And Thunder Strikes
Cool sound of rain and thunder strikes. 2 thunder bolts with light rain as a background.

Attribution 3.0
Movie Freaky Scene
A great freaky movie sound effect or drone made with alot of reverb and some creativity.

Public Domain
Footsteps On Cement
Footsteps on cement with ambient oncoming cars nearby.

Attribution 3.0
TV Static
TV Static sound effect requested by Stephen via the request a sound button. This is 4 seconds of tv or radio static that can be looped for an even longer effect.

Attribution 3.0
Winchester 1873 Single Shots
Winchester Model 1873 chambered in .44-40 cartridge. Gunfire in singles with ricochet sounds mixed in.

Attribution 3.0
Spooky Heart Beats
Heart beating with a bunch of reverb, makes this sound real spooky.

Attribution 3.0
House On Fire
Sound of a house or barn on fire. Sound effect perspective is from within the burning building.

Personal Use Only
Wet Fart Squish
A nice gross wet fart sound, a fart with benefits if you like to think of it that way. Had to change my underwear.

Public Domain
Godzilla Roar
Godzilla roaring 2 times with a bit of reverb to make it sound huge. Nice monster sound effect.

Attribution 3.0
Sawing Wood
Person sawing wood with a handsaw over and over again. Cutting a branch, plank, small tree, or plastic pipe using a handsaw. Great for a game where someone needs to create or errect objects.