Cross Sounds
Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Cross free from SoundBible.com Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates!
All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats.
Attribution 3.0
Railroad Crossing Bell
Safetran crossing bell for a railroad crossing. Sound of bell on for railway system.

Sampling Plus 1.0
Angry Cat
Super angry cat. One pissed of hissing screaming cat sound effect. Great for animal or halloween sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Ship Bell
Ships bell ringing one time with slight resonance as the sound rolls accross the water and through the fog.

Attribution 3.0
Upper Cut
Upper cut punch for a boxing or mma sound effect. Great Mike Tyson punch out type sound! Boom!

Attribution 3.0
Tick Tock
Tick tock sound effect from a clock or large watch. Great for suspenseful scenes, or even a time bomb. Sound requested by Furvillishus.

Attribution 3.0
Balloon Popping
Sound of a balloon popping at a party or a dart game at the fair. Sound requested by Cheryl Crossingham.

Attribution 3.0
Right Cross
Right Cross punch for a boxing or mma sound effect. Great Mike Tyson punch out type sound! Boom!

Attribution 3.0
Bag of glass marbels being spilled and rolled accross a table. Hear hundreds of marbles bounce off each other and roll down a gentle slope.

Attribution 3.0
Tiger Growling
Tiger Growling and snarling sound effect. Great precursor to a tiger roaring or similar. Could also be a monster sound.

Attribution 3.0
Right Hook
Great right hook boxing and fighting sound effect. 75% Right channel stereo punch sound. Great for games, and youtube videos.

Attribution 3.0
Lion Growling
Lion Growling and snarling sound effect. Great precursor to a lion roaring or similar. Could also be a monster sound.

Noncommercial 3.0
Bow Fire Arrow
Sound of a hunting bow firing an arrow or bolt at a target. Great for an archery game of movie.

Public Domain
Perfect walking sound effect. Sound of several people walking buy on a hard surface with hard shoes. You can hear the sound reverberating off the walls and solid flooring.

Attribution 3.0
Ship Brass Bell
Ships brass bell 8 rings or 4 depending on how you count with slight resonance as the sound rolls accross the water and through the fog.

Attribution 3.0
Call of a falcon as it flies across the sky. Thanks to Mark Mattingly for this sound.

Attribution 3.0
Devil Dog Crazy
Some crazy devil dog growling at someone or something. Could be a guard or attack dog.

Attribution 3.0
Angry Chipmunk
Angry Chipmunk cartoon sound effect. Great angry chatter for a cartoon animal or person. Cute sounds.

Attribution 3.0
Angry Squirrel
Funny angry squirrel nature sound effect. This angry squirrels chatter is super funny. Great for anything

Attribution 3.0
Dog Growl Then Bark
Sound of a dog or large cat growling and then barking.

Attribution 3.0
Dog Bite
Sound of a medium size dog biting someone or something. Hes pissed off.

Attribution 3.0
Large Angry Dog
A very large angry dog growling and snarling. Pretty evil.

Attribution 3.0
Angry Dog
Very angry dog growling at someone or something. Could be a guard dog. Angry dog requested by calvin.

Attribution 3.0
Large Angry Dog 2
A very large angry dog growling and snarling. Pretty evil. Number 2.

Attribution 3.0
Shoot Arrow
Quick and short sound of an arrow being fired from a bow or crossbow bolt being fired from a crossbow.

Attribution 3.0
Crystal Glass
Made sound by rubbing wet finger across the edge of a crystal champagne glass

Attribution 3.0
Angry Pirate
Sound of a pirate thats angry. Great for a pirate or attacking scene or game.

Attribution 3.0
Very angry sound. Sounds like that big giant guy from the movie Troy. Great anger and strife sound.

Attribution 3.0
The ultimate animal growling evil sound effect. Pushed the bass up on this to make it even scarier! Great for Halloween or horror movies!

Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Herring Gull 3
A solo herring gull talking and squawking. The Herring Gull is the quintessential basic seagull, with no distinctive characters that immediately set it apart from other gull species. The characteristic gull of the North Atlantic, it can be found across much of North America. Field recording by Tony Phillips

Attribution 3.0
Board Creak
Wooden board under carpet in house squeaking as I walk across it.