We have just updated a huge portion of our user platform. We’ve added all sorts of new things, and we’d like to detail them and get your opinion. Please post feedback below in the comment section. All ideas and concepts are welcome.
So what’s new here @ SoundBible.com ?
- Share Your Recordings-You can now record and share your own audio recordings, we want your help. Record and upload your original sounds. Is there something that you see in your everyday life that sound interesting? READ MORE HERE
- New MP3 Player – We’ve commissioned a custom mp3 player that shows you what the sound looks like. It renders an image of the wave just like Audacity or other sound apps. By visualizing the sound you can better get a feel for it’s dimensions. It also includes a volume control, position sidebar, and a display of the sound time.
- More Download Options – We’ve now added a 3rd download option. Zip file download. If you are on a slow connection or just wan to download the wav files faster then you should try the new .zip file downloads. This feature compresses the .wav files for faster download.
- New Header Image – The banner at the top of the main site was updated recently. We hope you like the new banner. We think it looks more professional than the last one. Nice and clean.
Give us your feedback and any other ideas you can think of. 🙂