100 War Sound FX is a collection of studio quality sound clips that range from weapons used in the early 1900’s to futuristic ones like ray guns and heat rays. This video is a low resolution preview of that includes many of the sounds that are included in the pack.
All sounds are original and royalty free for commercial use once you’ve purchased them. If you want to check the list of sounds out its just below the video demo.
Full List of Sounds…
- 50 Cal Machine Gun Fire 1
- 50 Cal Machine Gun Fire 2 (urban reverb from buildings)
- AK-47 Gunfire 2 (urban reverb from buildings)
- AK-47 Gunfire 3 Incoming + Impacts and Small Richochets
- AK-47 Gunfire 4 Long Bursts
- AK-47 Insert Magazine
- AK-47 Mag Load + Charging Handle
- AK47 Charging Handle
- AR-15 Charging Handle
- AR-15 Lock Load
- AR-15_M-16 3 Round Bursts Close 2 (urban reverb from buildings)
- AR-15_M-16 4 Long Bursts
- Body Punch
- Bow Shot
- Bullet Metal Impacts 1 (tank_humvee_jeep_sheet metal_helmet)
- Bullets Wizzing By
- Chambering A Round
- Cock Gun 1
- Death 1
- Death 2
- Death 3
- Death 4
- Distant artillery blasts
- Draw Sword
- Face Punch
- Fighter plane dive bombing
- Flamethrower 1
- Flamethrower 2
- Forcefield 1
- Forcefield 2
- Fuse Burning Short
- Futurisitc Death Ray 1
- Futurisitc Death Ray 2
- Futuristic Heat Ray 1
- Futuristic Heat Ray 2
- Futuristic Laser 1
- Futuristic Laser 2
- Glock Rack Slide
- Glock Reload
- Grenade Throw + Explosion 1 and Debris (outgoing)
- Grenade Throw + Explosion 1 and Debris_Shrapnel (incoming)
- Grenade Throw + Explosion 2 and Debris (outgoing)
- Grenade Throw + Explosion 2 and Debris Shrapnel (incoming)
- Gunshot 3 times
- Gunshot Single
- Heavy infantry movement
- Helicopter interior
- Helicopter Large 1
- Helicopter Large 2 with 30mm Cannon
- Helicopter Large Firing Rockets
- Hovering Huey helicopter
- Incoming Bomb + Large Explosion + Debris
- Incoming Bomb 2 + Large Explosion + Debris
- Inside Tank
- Intense World War II battle with rifles firing, soldiers yelling, machine guns
- Intrusion Alarm
- Knife Flick Open
- Leather Sheath and Machette
- Light infantry movement
- Machette _ Sword Attack Chop 1
- Machette _ Sword Attack Chop 2
- Machine Gun Fire Incoming 1
- Machine Gun Fire Incoming 2
- Machine Gun Fire Outgoing 1 (small and large)
- Machine Gun Fire Outgoing 2 (small and large)
- Missile
- Mortar Round Fire 1 Impact and Cement and other debris (incoming)
- Mortar Round Fire 1
- Pain 1
- Pain 2
- Pain 3
- Pain 4
- Pain 5
- Pain 6
- Pain 7
- Pain 8
- Pain 9
- Pump Shotgun 1
- RPG Incoming 1 + Explosion _ Debris _Shrapnel
- RPG Outgoing 1 + Explosion _ Debris _Shrapnel
- RPG Short
- Self Destruct Alarm
- Shotgun (+shells hitting cement)
- Sniper Bolt Action Load Round
- Sniper Bolt Action Rifle Internal Magazine Load
- Squadron fighter planes flies by
- Stab 1
- Stab 2
- Tactical Flashlight On
- Tank Battle 1
- Tank Battle 2
- Tank Fire Outgoing 1 + debris explosion
- Tank Fire Incoming 1 + debris explosion
- Tank Fire Incoming 2 + debris explosion
- Tank Fire Outgoing 2 + debris explosion
- Ultimate Sword Attack
- World War 1 Battlefield 1
- World War 1 Battlefield 2
- World War 2 Battlefield 1
- World War 2 Battlefield 2
- World War II battle ambience with machines guns, rifles, planes